Reducing battery charge of a laptop
is quite obvious problem every laptop user has to face. Increasing your
laptop battery backup really gives you work freedom irrespective of the
place you are using the laptop. The battery backup can be increased by
avoiding some nonstandard habits.
In fact, you can configure your laptop
for use at library, on a plane, at work and so on. Various profiles
will provide a unique set of energy saving settings for each scenario.
How You can extend your Laptop overall battery life if you apply some of the following :
- Avoid the usage of CD-ROM / DVD drive.
It seems quite obvious. But the
truth is that, CD-ROM/ DVD drives require more charge compared to USB
devices. So it will eat up your battery charge . One way to decrease
battery discharge is to go for CD/ DVD only when it is necessary. Make
an habit of storing it in your hard disk and not in an external device.
As an alternative, you can make use of a virtual optical drives by using
software such as Alcohol 120%.
- Disable wireless card/ Bluetooth adapter.
Even if you don’t use external
device but prefer to use your bluetooth adapter, but has an habit of
enabling bluetooth adapter and wireless cards, know that it is another
charge eating habit. Don’t forget to disable wireless card and bluetooth
button. Most notebooks will include a shortcut on the chassis to apply
this function. This can tremendously reduce battery consumption.
- Stop cooling functionality
Cooling functionality of your laptop is
another problem if you are overworking by making use of a laptop
cooling pad. Apparently, it would be better to avoid dusty surfaces or
propping your notebook up against a soft surface such as a blanket or
pillow. This will largely affect your cooling functionality to work
harder. Use a nice pad while using your laptop and make an habit of keep
using it whenever it is necessary.
- Disable unused ports.
Another nice habit one should have,
to increasing battery life is to disable unused ports. The unused ports
includes but not limited to USB, VGA, SmartCard and PCMCIA ports. If you
are a windows user you can make use of Windows Device Manager, found in
the Control Panel.
- Run a defragmentation on your hard disk drive.
Running a defrag on your hard disk
drive will greately help you to reduce the work load of your hard drive
and quite obviously you would not have to work harder the more
fragmented it becomes. This measure can save your battery life by
running out easily.
- Hardware profiles
In addition, you can configure
hardware profiles by using your notebook software that comes in bundle
with Windows. Since the advent of Windows XP, Microsoft has removed the
Hardware Profiles feature from their operating system. If your notebook
software doesn’t provide this feature, simply set your screen saver to
display a blank screen as an alternative.
- Decrease Display Brightness
Display brightness is one of the
important thing you must concentrate on, if you really give importance
for your laptop battery backup, Decreasing your laptop display
brightness will enhance your battery backup by 30-60% sometimes.
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